Thursday, December 8, 2011

One month of blogging and.... Invitations!

Today I bring to you, as promised, INVITATIONS!! I know I know... its about time. But I hope it was worth the wait! Here are just a few samples of what I've been working on lately.

These are mostly wedding invitations except for the bottom one which is a baby shower invite. They are all made with high quality papers and ribbons. 

I hope you enjoyed the Chelsy Lee invitation debut! Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Ho Ho Ho

As the Mr. and I decked our halls for Christmas this past weekend I was reminded of what Christmas really means to me. I feel that more and more it is so easy to get caught up in the gifts and material parts of Christmas.. but I think its important to remember the other parts.. they may not be as shinny but really are the true meaning of Christmas.

Christmas to me is.....

snuggling under a blanket with my husband in our Christmas plaid PJs
Spending time with my family
Witnessing the joy and excitement that Christmas brings to my nieces and nephew
Watching endless Christmas movies
Hot chocolate with candy canes
homemade Christmas cookies!
Starbucks red holiday cup!

Don't judge me... I know that last one is a little bit of a material thing... but I just love them. And the coffee that comes inside. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside : ) How could I resist all those fun phrases too! They are so sweet  :)

Sooo looks like Christmas means a lot of food and laziness to me. hmmm.

What is the true meaning of Christmas for you??

Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Friday!!

Friday has finally come!!! What's on your to do list for this lovely weekend??

My list includes:

1. Decorate for Christmas!! :) (super excited about this little ditty)

2. Head into the city to see the bodies exhibit/ finally use the groupon that I bought months ago that is going to expire next week... opps. Anyone else wait to the last possible second to use coupons and groupons? I apparently like to have a contest with myself to see how close I can get without loosing said deal. Add that to my list of things to STOP doing  .. especially with groupon.. cause yes it was a deal. But a deal I had to pay for.. so if I let it expire it becomes a REALLY expensive piece of  paper that can not be used for anything other then writing crazy notes and doodles on.... that would make my face look like this:

all puggy and mean. So I'm not going to waste it ... we are going on Saturday. For Sure.

3.  Get some invitation samples actually on this wee blog here!.. ya remember that.. this blog was started cause I make handmade invitations.. I bet you forgot.. cause I haven't posted one invite. Focus is clearly not one of my strong suits so bare with me here... there will be invitations and weddings and perhaps some wedding flowers.. and gowns and.. and..
wait what was I talking about.. right.. invites! They WILL make an appearance this coming week.. promise! But I do have to warn you this blog will often be filled with a whole lot of other crap wonderful tid bits about me and my life... cause.. well... to be honest.. I'm random like that and I don't do well with only writing about one thing. So don't say I didn't warn you. And I hope you still come back!

I will leave you today with a few wedding pretties from Pinterest this week... do you pin? I do. You should. and you should follow me cause I pin good pins. Just sayin.. do it.

The Knot via Pinterest  

Pinterest just said uploaded by user...
From via Pinterest

Winter wedding can be so fabulous.. don't you think? Well until you class it up and do this: 


Anyway... Happy weekend bloggies : ) Enjoy!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

31 like whoa

Someone turned 31 on Tuesday!!!

no.. not me!! I'm still young (I got carded for lotto the other day people.... yes you read that correctly)  but really.. I have a few years left in my 20s. My fabulous husband turned 31!

And do you know I did not take one picture.. no I lied I took this one picture with my phone:

That's the birthday boy.. isn't he cute : ) Sorry ladies he's taken.
And in true bad-blogger form I didn't remember to take said horrible blackberry picture (yes I still have a blackberry.. don't judge me) until after half of the cake was eaten... opps! I swear I will get better at this. Really I promise!

This delish cake (red-velvet boston creme cheesecake made by your truly.. ya I don't mess around) was enjoyed AFTER a fab slow cooker meal of ribs and roasted potatoes. Again.. I forgot to photograph said ribs.. BUT you are in luck I did remember to snap a few pics of the left overs we devoured had last night! I apologize in advance for any mid-day tummy grumbling these pictures create:

 Not to toot my own horn here.. but this was one amazing meal! (or 2 meals if you want to get technical.. maybe even 3) 

So that was the hubs B-day. Hope it was a great one babe! I love you more then you could ever imagine :)