Monday, November 14, 2011


The Mr. and I went to Jersey to visit friends this weekend. We had a wonderful time exploring their town, eating some delicious food and drinking some great wine!

Our first stop on Saturday was the Hopewell Village Winery. They have a lovely little tasting room and some pretty good wines. In summer they have live music outside to enjoy while you sip... so we will definitely have to go back!

We ended the night at Siam, a Thai restaurant in Lambertville. The food was incredible! We ended up ordering a variety of dishes family style so we could all try a few different things. We were so engrossed in conversation and stuffing our faces trying all this great food that I forgot to take any pictures!

Sunday was the perfect warm fall day so we headed back to Lambertville to explore.  Lambertville has tons of great antique shops that we had seen the night before so wanted to see the goodies inside.  Here are a few of the gems we saw!
Great leopard print chair
An old porthole
and the Mr.'s favorite.. the game table perfect for hours of poker!

The highlight of the day was bumping into this guy! I have a insane slight obsession with Pugs.. and this little 9 month old was just soooo cute and snuggly I could have brought him home with me! Much to my disway we had to leave him behind. One day I will have one of my very own (That I promise I will not steal from someone else.)

We ended our visit just across the river, in New Hope, PA with a little dinner outside! New Hope is a fabulous place to people watch and we saw some pretty impressive motorcycles.

All in all we had a pretty amazing weekend with some pretty amazing friends! How was your weekend??

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Are you happy?

I truely believe that to be happy you need to do what you love.. and sourround yourself with people you love and who love you back. I have a wonderful husband, a fabulous family and the best friends a girl could ask for. That part of my life is happy : )

Doing what I love however... has been a struggle. I am not the girl who always knew what she wanted to do. In fact I am STILL figuring out what exactly I want to do! I work a full time job that keeps me busy and pays the bills.. but I know its not my passion. I love being creative.. so I started my own invitation business.

It not easy.. its a lot of work. But one day I hope to be able to make it my full time job. I am able to use my creativity and get a glimpse at lots of weddings. Which I love. I love weddings.. I love that you can make them your very own. I love what it represents. I love pretty flowers and cakes and place settings. I love wedding gowns.

After my own wedding I was depressed. I love my husband and was sooo excited to start our next chapter together. But I was upset that the planning was over. I wanted needed to find a way to continue planning. So.. I made a few samples of invitations and started selling them. People actually liked what I created... I still struggle with this concept.. but that's a whole other post! So Chelsy Lee & Co. was born!

 I love working with different fonts and papers to create fabulous invitations. My main focus is on wedding invitations but I also create some birthday, baptism and shower invites. But its what I love. And one day I would love to quit my "day job" and make THIS my day job.

So I ask you are you happy with what you do? Do you make your own happiness despite your day job?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hello blogland

I have been struggling to start this blog... why you ask? Because I wasn't quite sure what to say and how to introduce myself.. we are talking about months people. Months of me trying to think of the perfect first post. Well today it hit me.... what does a perfect first post even mean!? I think I have been following far too many blogs that are already successful.  They seem to know what they are doing and always write these great blog posts that keep me coming back for more. But the truth is... at one point they had to write their very first blog post too... and like me they had no followers (or few close friends and family) so they just wrote.

So today.. I just write.


I'm Chelsy :) Its nice to meet you blogland. I hope this is the start of a wonderful relationship.