Thursday, November 10, 2011

Are you happy?

I truely believe that to be happy you need to do what you love.. and sourround yourself with people you love and who love you back. I have a wonderful husband, a fabulous family and the best friends a girl could ask for. That part of my life is happy : )

Doing what I love however... has been a struggle. I am not the girl who always knew what she wanted to do. In fact I am STILL figuring out what exactly I want to do! I work a full time job that keeps me busy and pays the bills.. but I know its not my passion. I love being creative.. so I started my own invitation business.

It not easy.. its a lot of work. But one day I hope to be able to make it my full time job. I am able to use my creativity and get a glimpse at lots of weddings. Which I love. I love weddings.. I love that you can make them your very own. I love what it represents. I love pretty flowers and cakes and place settings. I love wedding gowns.

After my own wedding I was depressed. I love my husband and was sooo excited to start our next chapter together. But I was upset that the planning was over. I wanted needed to find a way to continue planning. So.. I made a few samples of invitations and started selling them. People actually liked what I created... I still struggle with this concept.. but that's a whole other post! So Chelsy Lee & Co. was born!

 I love working with different fonts and papers to create fabulous invitations. My main focus is on wedding invitations but I also create some birthday, baptism and shower invites. But its what I love. And one day I would love to quit my "day job" and make THIS my day job.

So I ask you are you happy with what you do? Do you make your own happiness despite your day job?

1 comment:

Erin said...

Hey Chelsy! I can totally sympathize with being sad about the wedding planning being over. I wish I could get married again, just so I could plan again. :) Welcome to blogland, and thanks for the visit today! I'm off to check out that curtain link you included! :)