Thursday, January 12, 2012

The perfect little side table.

I ventured into this little (well actually its huge) in door flee market the other day. I have passed this building 100s of times. It's connected to the same building my gym is in (which of course I go to the gym allllll the time) ok ok.. I could be better about going to the gym.. its part of my new plan. Yep I have a new plan. Don't get too excited I basically have a new plan every week. Hey at least I TRY to get my life together.. right?... right?! **silence**

Anyway.. so one day I actually went to the gym with the Mr. but he was taking FAR TOO LONG to finish his workout.. sooo I ventured next door in all my post- workout red faced glory. And do you know.. I walked right into the most wonderful place. furniture, lamps, frames, dishes... you name it! I was a tad skeptical of the prices.. I currently live on Long Island people.. this isn't usually the land of fabulous thrift shop deals (I once found a lamp shade at Good Will with the Target plastic still on it... priced for MORE then it was when it was for sale at Target.) But to my surprise the prices were sooo inexpensive!!! I often read wonderful blogs of women who live in the more southern states who are always finding these fabulous finds at thrift stores for pennies! Well no longer do I have to be the jealous northern girl! Look at this fantastic little side table I found! (I apologize for these horrible iphone pics .. but this is not the last time you will be seeing this table.. so I promise to take better pics for next time)

Isn't she a beaut! And the best part... she was mine for $4! Yes.. you read that correctly genuine mahogany beautiful side table (most likely from the depression era) for $4 buckaroos! She def needs a little love.. she is a little beat up. But I have big plans for her... big plans.


LHFIN said...

That's an amazing find. It's so hard to find a solid piece of quality furniture, especially nowadays when everything is made from cheap pressboard. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

Chelsea @ two twenty one said...

When going to the gym pays off in more than one way, huh? :) Fabulous find! And for $4?! I love everything about it-- definitely a wonderful piece! Can't wait to see what you do with it!